Author: Sandra Vaughan

Mini update from Sandra in East Africa

Greetings from the GCF team, 6 months seems to have flown by and in fact we are already midway through July. Hope you are all well and safe and are having a decent summer. Grand Circle Foundation had an incredible year in 2023, spending 524,000$ on a variety of projects and in 2024 we have… Read more »

And the kids are back in school in Tanzania

In Tanzania, Schools reopened on Monday 8th Jan. For the very 1st time ever, so does Kenya and so Grand Circle Foundation has had to be well prepared to get all 39 students back in the same week! Starting in Tanzania, we took the students out shopping on Friday. Some of the children came with… Read more »

When giving, gives back – Jacob’s story

Sandra, the GCF Project Manager oversees the scholarship program in Tanzania and Kenya. For the many students that she supports, she is “Mama Sandra” as she guides them, chides them and wholeheartedly “mothers” them from near and far. Jacob has been one of her kids since 2017, where he was sponsored from Amboseli Primary school… Read more »

Giving thanks from Tanzania – Joseph

Overcoming the obstacles of a drunken, absentee father, a schizophrenic mother and a bedridden grandmother who helped raise him, the only meal often being only what he got at school.  Joseph was first sponsored by GCF at Rhotia Primary school.  As a strong student, this sponsorship then took him to Diego Secondary school and on… Read more »

Tree planting day in Kenya

On November 6th, the government of Kenya made an unprecedented announcement: November 13th would be a national day off, dedicated to planting trees. The call echoed from bustling cities to rural landscapes, as citizens eagerly prepared for a collective effort to combat climate change. With a resolute tone, the President decreed a simple yet powerful… Read more »

Jambo…..Hello….Iko poa? (are you well?) – an update from East Africa

The end of July is marching closer, and it’s been over 3 months since our last update and gosh, lots of projects ongoing. To date for this year 2023, the Foundation has invested 351,500$ in various projects throughout East Africa. Here’s a quick recap. In the Maasai Mara at Isaaten and Ole Keene Primary, GCF… Read more »


This is a quick note to update you all on what’s happening in East Africa and what part Grand Circle Foundation is playing. The end of March is near, and the year is running away. To date, the Foundation has invested 157, 000$ in various projects throughout East Africa. Here’s a quick recap. Last week… Read more »

Update on some of our Kenyan scholarship children – Sandra Vaughan

Since 2016, Grand Circle Foundation has funded 121,000 $ to the Kenyan Scholarship Program. Here are some updates on students. Many have finished Form 4 and would like to go to college or University, but do not have the means.   Koromo: This young man has been sponsored by GCF for over 8 years. From… Read more »

An engineer in the making?

  STEM studies are important everywhere, and Adelaida has a passion for mathematics, chemistry and physics. If this was anywhere else, it might not be as surprising, but this is Tanzania – where girls education is still not a priority, so every girl we can help get one step closer to their dream – is… Read more »

World Water Day 2021 in Tanzania

Monday 22nd March was World Water day. Sadly in Tanzania we were honouring 21 days mourning as we had just lost our President and so we headed out to Karatu on Weds. What a day. What a project. Did you know 800 million people still cannot access basic clean water? Did you know globally 4/5… Read more »