Author: Sandra Vaughan

Foundation Update: How Lights Saved Maasai Livestock in Tanzania

Amboseli Masaai Boma

Every day, we come across stories that tear our hearts out or make us sad—and some stories ignite such a passion within us, we are driven to find a way to help. My passion was ignited when a pride of 17 lions went on a killing spree in the Maasai village of Tarangire, Tanzania, killing… Read more »

Educating Girls in Kenya

Investing in girls’ education benefits everyone—it strengthens economies and contributes to stable societies. Girls who receive education are less likely to marry young and are more likely to lift themselves and their families out of poverty; yet, globally, there are still nearly 130 million girls between the ages of 6 and 17 that are not… Read more »

Never underestimate the power of pants!

Sponsoring children wherever in the world is no mean feat and requires planning and preparation from “The Sponsor”, which is facilitated through Grand Circle Foundation. Our travelers often fall in love with children they meet and ask us to kindly help provide assistance for the students to finish school. Since 2015 across East Africa, GCF… Read more »

Meet Alan & Harriet – GCF’s new feathered friends

Just over 2 weeks ago I received a call from Magret, Head Mistress of Ayalabe Primary School, Karatu. The children from Grade 7 had rallied around and raised money to buy Grand Circle Foundation a Thank you gift, A white chicken, and Magret gifted GCF her Cock-rel to say, thank you for our kindness. They travelled… Read more »

Life in Tanzania – after Covid-19

Schools in Tanzania along with the world closed down March 2020. Many of us thought…this will pass. It’s been 6 and a half months and the pandemic is still circling us and the world is facing a second lockdown. Grand Circle Foundation East Africa have maintained weekly check-ins with schools, maintained communications with many of… Read more »

Schools in Tanzania set to reopen on June 29th!

The President of Tanzania announced today that all Government schools will return on Monday 29th June. This is so exciting but brings with it its own challenges. To comply with guidelines, head teachers are to wear masks and schools are to provide hand wash stations outside every classroom and at all entry points into the… Read more »

“We can’t live the life like before”

Greetings from Chief Lobulo. For many years, every single Overseas Adventure Traveler would have met Chief Lobulo, Local Maasai Chief in the area of Tarangire. Now with changes to the itinerary, only a few travelers cross paths with this amazing Chief. I met Chief Lobulo 9 years ago and have remained firm friends with him… Read more »

Study solar lights are donated to children in Karatu, Tanzania

Grand Circle Foundation, East Africa recently donated 376 study solar “D” Lights to children in Grade 7 in our 5 schools in Karatu. We have been asking how do children study and do homework in these rural communities. In 2 schools out of 134 children in grade 7, only 15 had access to electricity and… Read more »

Toilets generate income for a community in Tanzania

We have partnered with Maasai Chief Lobulo in Tarangire, Tanzania for many years now. He recently had a meeting with the Kibauni community leaders, who requested a decent toilet be built and run as a small community business to generate income. The leaders donated some prime land to Grand Circle Foundation, who in return agreed to… Read more »