Category: Africa

Schools in Tanzania set to reopen on June 29th!

The President of Tanzania announced today that all Government schools will return on Monday 29th June. This is so exciting but brings with it its own challenges. To comply with guidelines, head teachers are to wear masks and schools are to provide hand wash stations outside every classroom and at all entry points into the… Read more »

“We can’t live the life like before”

Greetings from Chief Lobulo. For many years, every single Overseas Adventure Traveler would have met Chief Lobulo, Local Maasai Chief in the area of Tarangire. Now with changes to the itinerary, only a few travelers cross paths with this amazing Chief. I met Chief Lobulo 9 years ago and have remained firm friends with him… Read more »

Free-Spirited Donations

O.A.T Travelers Lynn & Denny Allen Give as the Spirit Moves Them

An Education Well Earned

O.A.T. Travelers Ann & Jack Womeldorf Provide a Scholarship for a Struggling Student

Study solar lights are donated to children in Karatu, Tanzania

Grand Circle Foundation, East Africa recently donated 376 study solar “D” Lights to children in Grade 7 in our 5 schools in Karatu. We have been asking how do children study and do homework in these rural communities. In 2 schools out of 134 children in grade 7, only 15 had access to electricity and… Read more »

O.A.T. Traveler Sandy Lopez Makes Supporting the Foundation an Annual Event

When Sandy Lopez lost her husband, she thought her traveling days were pretty much behind her. Then, a friend talked her into taking a Grand Circle’s Panama Canal Cruise & Panama: A Continent Divided, Oceans United trip. A retired corrections lieutenant, Sandy was uneasy at first about traveling alone in foreign country. When she met… Read more »

Jabulani papermaking Green Village

A green village is in the process of being established in Jabulani, a community located 20 kilometres from Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The aim of this initiative is to bring together people who are interested in establishing income-generating projects that are environmentally friendly, thus helping reduce waste that goes to landfill. Papermaking is one of the… Read more »

Trip Leaders in Zimbabwe “Teach” Travelers How to Teach

Overseas Adventure Travel visits three Primary Schools in Zimbabwe: two outside Victoria Falls and one in Hwange. Traveler interaction with students is invaluable, as it provides exposure and an opportunity for the children to listen, build language, encourage learning and hone their English skills. To ensure meaningful interactions and a mutually beneficial experience for both… Read more »

Saving Serengeti’s Species From Poachers

The Serengeti ecosystem in Tanzania is a world-renowned natural landscape. The Great Migration of wildebeests, zebras, and Thomson’s gazelles that takes place there is the largest hoofed mammal migration on earth. With resilient populations of predators and iconic wildlife such as elephants, giraffes, and rhinos, the Serengeti National Park is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage… Read more »

O.A.T. travelers Terry and Nancy Dignan help put Kenyan students through High School

When seasoned travelers Terry and Nancy Dignan are deciding where and how to travel, they’re not interested in megaliners with their glamorous casinos and flashy entertainment. The East Troy, Wisconsin, couple looks for a travel provider that offers learning and discovery. So it’s natural that they have chosen O.A.T. and Grand Circle for 11 trips… Read more »