Category: Africa

Schools in Zimbabwe are still closed – but food gets to the students

Zimbabwe has been under strict Covid lockdown measures, where no movement has been allowed and gatherings of more than 30 people are banned.  Travel is limited to essential travel only and schools are closed until further notice. For anyone else, this would have stopped the final distribution of the highly nutritious porridge meal packs that… Read more »

Never underestimate the power of pants!

Sponsoring children wherever in the world is no mean feat and requires planning and preparation from “The Sponsor”, which is facilitated through Grand Circle Foundation. Our travelers often fall in love with children they meet and ask us to kindly help provide assistance for the students to finish school. Since 2015 across East Africa, GCF… Read more »

Zimbabwe – DFG Hygiene kits distributed at Jabulani village

Sixty-eight Days for Girls hygiene kits were distributed to the Jabulani community, just outside of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. This was the second distribution from the recent donation from the Stanwood Camano Island Chapter Group. For this distribution, we chose to give the kits out to women of the Jabulani community. Many of these women are… Read more »

Trash to treasure in Zimbabwe – St. Mary’s

We are happy to announce that the St Mary’s Papermaking project has officially begun. The group of eight women began their training at the beginning of November and have taken to it with much motivation and excitement. Due to Covid-19, this project was delayed as travel was not allowed within the country. Now that some… Read more »

Frank Finds His Way

When we support scholarships through Grand Circle Foundation, of  course our hope is that every student will successfully complete their schooling, and continue on to a fulfilling career. But despite our best efforts in rural Africa, where so many families live in extreme poverty, some young people lose their way. Frank was one of these… Read more »

Meet Alan & Harriet – GCF’s new feathered friends

Just over 2 weeks ago I received a call from Magret, Head Mistress of Ayalabe Primary School, Karatu. The children from Grade 7 had rallied around and raised money to buy Grand Circle Foundation a Thank you gift, A white chicken, and Magret gifted GCF her Cock-rel to say, thank you for our kindness. They travelled… Read more »

Life in Tanzania – after Covid-19

Schools in Tanzania along with the world closed down March 2020. Many of us thought…this will pass. It’s been 6 and a half months and the pandemic is still circling us and the world is facing a second lockdown. Grand Circle Foundation East Africa have maintained weekly check-ins with schools, maintained communications with many of… Read more »

DFG Hygiene kits in Zimbabwe

100 Days for Girls hygiene kits have been purchased in Victoria Falls thanks to a generous donation from the Stanwood Camano Island Chapter group, who put the funding together for this. Sewn by the local Days for Girls Enterprise group in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 100 per cent of this grant goes back into the initiative… Read more »

Foundation Update: Feeding Families in Zimbabwe

Due to COVID-19 and the impact that it is having on livelihoods, many families’ household income has drastically reduced, making it difficult to feed their families. In Zimbabwe, this has led to a nationwide food crisis as many households now cannot afford the basic necessities. With the help of donations from our generous travelers, Grand… Read more »

Victoria Falls – Masks for all!

Thanks to a generous donation from Grand Circle Foundation donors , 500 face masks were sewn and purchased from the “Vic Falls Masks for All” sewing group in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. At the onset of Covid-19 and the rapid decline in visitor numbers, sewers who had jobs that relied on tourism shops decided to start… Read more »