Catching up with students in Kenya – Jacob and Jane
As we continue to follow up with some of the students in Kenya, now that Sandra has been able to visit after an almost 2 year pandemic induced absence, we find that none of them have been idle.
Meet Jacob, who finished Form 4 last summer and received his leaving certificate (the equivalent of a High School diploma in the US) with which he is able to look for work. Jacob was generously sponsored in his 4 years at secondary school by OAT travelers David & Judith W.
Sandra ran into Jacob last week and this is what she shared with us:
Dear David and Judith,
So glad to hear from you.
I saw Jane and Jacob this week which was super awesome.
Jacob has finished Form 4 but is not remaining idle.
He has a casual job at a petrol station which has led him to have an idea.
He is going to set up a small satellite fuel stop near school where people can refuel their motorbikes without travelling all the way (20 kms) to Kimana.
So I found him in the middle of nowhere leading his goat to Kimana to sell so he could buy his first container of fuel. He wants to go to UNI and instead of waiting around, he has hit the floor running and literally said to me….”I am trying to bank some money mum”

I took Jane and the other scholar kids for tea and chapatti on my arrival. She is well and only has 1 term left. I asked what next. She would like to go to Kenyatta Hospital and study nursing.
Thank you so much for getting them to this point. Without these 4 years I can only guess where they would have ended…Jacob herding goats and Jane in early marriage.
Thank you so much for offering to continue to help.
I am attaching some pics for you. Enjoy. (Jacob gifted me my Kenyan bracelet. I have never ever taken it off) (sorry Jane was hiding in all my pics. She is still a tad shy).

A secondary school leaving certificate is just the beginning and incentive to keep working towards new goals. We are so proud to have been able to help these students (with the support of our donors) take the first steps in reaching their dreams.